Day 17 : Playa del Carmen

The mornings just seemed to be getting earlier and earlier. We had to be over at the Blue Angel dive shop on Cozumel so Keryn could do a refresher dive at 8am. Unfortunately there was no 7am ferry so we had to get the 6am departure so we were walking down from the hotel around […]

Day 16 : Playa del Carmen

We had to check out before 6am to ensure we got to the dive shop before 7am. Again we got the local bus and were a few minutes early for our trip. There were four other people out for the trip; two Mexican lads and a Mexican woman and her daughter who would have been […]

Part II : Day 15 : Cancun

With plenty of time to get up to Cancun we slept in and mucked around this morning. We got the bus up to Cancun leaving just before 1pm. The hotel in Cancun, the Kin Mayab, was in the downtown area rather than the hotel district and luckily was just opposite the ADO bus station. After […]

Part II: Mayan Sun

Canc?n to Antigua (13 September – 28 September 2008) Mayan Sun with GAP Adventures

Day 14 : Playa del Carmen and Isla Cozumel

We had planned to book a dive trip this morning before heading out to Isla Cozumel via the downtown ferry. Ben and Lisa joined us as we walked into the town, stopping for food and to pop into dive shops so Keryn could figure out what she needed to do to go diving. After the […]

Day 13 : Chich?n Itz?

Our journey today took us by bus to Chich?n Itz?, one of the seven newly crowned wonders of the modern world (or something like that). Chich?n Itz? is famous for its large Mayan ruins and is mostly known for the large El Castillo Pyramid at its centre. For a couple of hours in the middle […]

Day 12 : M?rida

Most of the group headed out this morning for a cenote visit. The Yucat?n Peninsula is pretty much devoid of rivers and streams. In Mayan times the only fresh water to be found was in the natural limestone reservoirs that occur in their thousands in the area, the cenote. We would be swimming in some […]

Day 11 : The road to M?rida

It was our last long driving day of this section of our journey (the Central America part is a combination of three tours with GAP Adventures and a week to ourselves in Costa Rica). Everyone was at Don Mucho’s at 8am to take taxis to the bus station. Only one van arrived and it wasn’t […]

Day 10 : Palenque continued

After a brief visit to the onsite internet cafe (which was like a sauna, hence the breivity of the stay) we joined others at Don Mucho’s for drinks and card playing. The bill payment turned out to be a nightmare with one group of people being overcharged and then waiting an age for the manager […]

Day 10 : Palenque

The Palenque reserve opens at 8am so Keryn and I were up early to try and get to the gates for this time. We walked out of El Panch?n to the road and paid our reserve entry fee just as one of the public transport vans came past so we hoped in and were driven […]

Day 9 : The road to Palenque

Rather than the usual bus Juan Pablo had organised a van so we could make the journey to Palenque with a couple of stops to visit waterfalls along the way. We had been warned that the road was worse than that we had experienced on our night bus adventure so everyone who thought they might […]

Day 8 : San Crist?bal de las Casas continued

It rained most of the afternoon and early evening while we rested and then uploaded the blog in the travel agency across the road from the hotel. Once we were done with the Internet we went out into the town to find something cheap for dinner. We miss the ease and convenience of the Mexico […]

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