Part V : Day 53 : San Jose to Quito

The trip to Quito went very smoothly and thankfully we saw no sign of trouble either at the airport or the city of Quito. We got a taxi to the San Jose airport and checked in. Proceeding through the security checks we found ourselves with a few shops to check out in the time we […]

Day 52 : Punta Uva to San Jose

At 7am we were at the Pachamama gate with our bags waiting for the San Jose bus to come past. We’d had a lovely breakfast (as usual) a little bit earlier than normal and had said goodbye to Bill and Cathy. It has been a very relaxing and peaceful week in this corner of Costa […]

Day 51 : Punta Uva

Keryn and the veranda of our house at Pachamama Looking back at the house from the garden/jungle Having eaten we decided to make use of the Pachamama kayaks this morning and we set out down the stream adjacent to the property just after 8am. Heading upstream was easy with there being no discernable current in […]

Day 50 : Punta Uva

We got given no breakfast this morning so we ate what we had and then borrowed bikes to cycle down to a cafe where we could eat something and also use the Internet. This ended up taking most of the morning but the blog is now up to date and we got to sort out […]

Day 49 : Punta Uva

Breakfast was provided at 6:30am so we could be on the road just before 7am waiting for the bus to Manzanillo for our walk in the Refugio Grandoca-Manzanillo. We arrived around 7:15am and sat down where the bus dropped us off waiting for Omar, our guide. A woman approached us and told us that she […]

Day 48 : Punta Uva

After breakfast was eaten we had the pleasure of upgrading to the house accommodation, a one bedroom cottage with much more space than our bungalow, and a kitchen to boot. Once moved in we again borrowed some bikes and started riding to Puerto Viejo, nine kilometres down the road. Cycling the jungle track It was […]

Day 47 : Punta Uva

We planned to relax on this part of our trip and today was a case in point. Breakfast was bought to our room around 8am and afterwards we headed out to explore. We walked down to the beach we had visited the night before and walked along by the incoming waves following the curve of […]

Day 46 : Part IV : San Jose to Punta Uva

We saw many people at breakfast and through the morning so got in a few more goodbyes. Our task for the morning was to visit a bus station and get tickets for our afternoon bus ride out to Punta Uva where we would be staying for the next six nights. This proved to be fairly […]

Day 45 : La Fortuna to San Jose

Today was both white water rafting and journeying to San Jose. Cecylia, Aaron, Keryn and I were being picked up at 8:30am for the drive to Rio Toro and the rest of the group headed off to the bus station at 7:45am. The Desafio van would also be taking us on to San Jose after […]

Day 44 : La Fortuna

Eight of us headed out this morning for the ride to Ca?o Negro, a nature reserve along the Rio Frio. Probably the best parts of the day were actually seen during the drive out to the reserve. First up we came to a point on the road where a number of tourist vans were parked […]

Day 43 : Monteverde to La Fortuna

We had crammed in all the activities the previous day for the simple reason we only had one day, now we were moving on to La Fortuna. The morning van ride took us down from Santa Elena to Laguna de Arenal where we caught a boat across the lake and thereby cutting hours from the […]

Day 42 : Monteverde

Keryn and I had signed up for a busy day of activities and this started with an early morning guided cloud forest walk. The taxi picked us all up (we were joined by Pat and Miriam) at 7am and whisked us to the Reserva Biol?gica Boqu Nuboso Monteverde which is a private reserve which protects […]

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