Some favourites

Updates here have slowed to a crawl, co-incidentally work has been a lot busier for me. I suspect there is a link there. The further travels of two Kiwis in Western Australia will be appearing here at some point, I’m just not sure exactly when. In the meantime here are some nice photos from the […]

On the road: Geraldton to Kalbarri

Photo by Brendon & Keryn Wind Turbine by the road to Ellendale Pool. The morning, once we’d had breakfast, was largely spent driving with our destination for the day being the town of Kalbarri and the nearby Kalbarri National Park. Naturally there were a few stops along the way to take photos of turbines in […]

On the road: Cervantes to Geraldton

We were on the road again early the next morning, the benefits of sleeping in our own transport becoming obvious. We drove to the pinnacles and again had them mostly to ourselves, being joined for a short while by a British man taking similar photos. The flies also largely kept away, at least until the […]

On the road: Perth to Cervantes

I took the bus and train to pick up our Camper while Keryn stayed behind and finished packing all our stuff. The camper we were assigned looked a little beaten up and was registered in South Australia, so obviously had already done a number of journeys. The back of the camper had been modified with […]

Fremantle Prison

Our second day in Perth was largely spent out at Fremantle. With all day travel passes purchased on the bus we took the train out to Fremantle, expecting to walk around a bit and head up to the Fremantle Prison. Keryn had been searching for a dynamo torch/radio at Kathmandu in Wellington with little luck, […]


The flight from Melbourne to Perth wasn’t as long as I thought it would be, pity though that the aircraft was an older Qantas model that creaked a fair bit and didn’t have any wiz-bang back of the seat entertainment. At three and a half hours it wasn’t too bad and by the time we’d […]

One night only

Leaving Sydney for Melbourne happened quite smoothly. We did have a bit of a wait for a bus but some timely advice from a local shopkeeper around which bus stop to use saved us waiting even longer. We got to Sydney airport in plenty of time and were soon enough waiting for our flight to […]

The day after

A more relaxed day was had following the Wedding. In the morning Keryn and I walked around Bondi, checking out the beach and views from the rocky headland nearby. We saw lots of people surfing, a guy fishing from the rocks with good success, crashing waves and plenty of dark clouds. The rain came in […]

Kate and Roger are Married

The rain persisted and it bought along some strong winds to party with, which ruined the planned peninsula cliff-top ceremony. Plan B was enacted. Kate was staying at the Hotel Bondi and the new plan was to have the ceremony on a balcony overlooking the beach, so at least there would be a feel of […]

Over to Sydney

Recently we travelled over to Australia for a bit of a holiday. The trip was long planned with some last minute changes when we found out that good friend Roger was getting married in Sydney. Not having visited Sydney before we had plenty to explore and we arrived with a lot of luggage and no […]

Catching up on the past: Paris

We spent four days in Paris in September 2006 and had a good time. The tourist spots were all good; we went to a number of excellent museums (Mus?e du Louvre, Mus?e de l’Orangerie des Tuileries, Mus?e d’orsay), climbed up the Eiffel Tower, a couple of Churches (Basilique du Sacre Coeur, Cath?drale Notre Dame de […]

Catching up on the past: Morocco – Casablanca to Fez

It has popped up on the blog in the past briefly but could do with another visit. In December 2006 we visited Morocco and saw some wonderful sights. We also had some ghastly experiences but I’ll touch on them another time. The trip was taken on another group tour, this time with the company Exodus. […]

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