MG 6152

Some favourites

Updates here have slowed to a crawl, co-incidentally work has been a lot busier for me. I suspect there is a link there. The further travels of two Kiwis in Western Australia will be appearing here at some point, I’m just not sure exactly when. In the meantime here are some nice photos from the last couple of months, highlights if you will.

MG 6152Photo by Brendon & Keryn

We start at Hamilton zoo with a ring-tailed lemur wrapping up against the cold.

MG 6223Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Then we have a cheeky monkey called Adam playing in a house that I’m sure contained rabbits and guinea pigs when I was little and visiting Hamilton Zoo.

IMG 1850Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A big fish we swam with off the coast of Western Australia. If you get the chance just do it, so awesome. Really, its the best wildlife encounter I’ve ever had.

MG 8978Photo by Brendon & Keryn

One of my favourite shots from the winter visits to Zealandia. This pied shag (or Australian pied cormorant for those across the ditch) was taking off and I got the panning just right.

MG 9276Photo by Brendon & Keryn

One very lost penguin and a crowd of admirers. I will not call him “Happy Feet”…damn

Look what I gotPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

White faced terns at Plimmerton.

Shore Plover washingPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

One of a small flock of New Zealand shore plover that have taken up residence in Plimmerton next to the fire station. They have flown across from Mana Island which has concerned DOC, what with all the cats and dogs found on the mainland. There are only a few hundred of these birds left, one of New Zealand’s rarest species.

Eowyn and the NazgulPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

A close-up of a statue we now own, it depicts Eowyn fighting the Nazgul from the book Return of the King and is based on a painting by John Howe.

New Zealand Falcon (Karearea)Photo by Brendon & Keryn

The falcons are back at Zealandia and I managed to grab a few photos yesterday. Overcast skies may make it darker and therefore harder to get nice sharp photos but wildlife looks so much better without harsh, contrasty light everywhere.

White Fronted Tern (Tara)Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A white fronted tern battles the intense westerly we’ve had for the last few days at Plimmerton.

So that’s a visual journey through some of my recent photographic highlights. Next time I hope it’ll be back into the dry landscapes of Western Australia.

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