Hassan II Mosque

Catching up on the past: Morocco – Casablanca to Fez

It has popped up on the blog in the past briefly but could do with another visit. In December 2006 we visited Morocco and saw some wonderful sights. We also had some ghastly experiences but I’ll touch on them another time. The trip was taken on another group tour, this time with the company Exodus. We travelled from Casablanca north up the coast to Rabat and then inland to Meknes, then taking a flying visit to the ruined Roman city of Volubilis before arriving in Fez. These are now many photos of this section of the trip on flickr. Here are a few highlights.

Hassan II MosquePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

They know how to make impressive doorways in Morocco. This is a gate at the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca.

Guarding the Mohammed V MausoleumPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Standing guard at a doorway to the mausoleum of Mohammed V, Rabat.

Bab MansourPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Staying with doors, here is the rather large door of Bab Mansour, Meknes, with a passing Keryn for scale.

A giant archPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

A large arch at Volubilis, the ruins of a Roman city.

IMG 9521Photo by Brendon & Keryn

The overwhelming closeness of the old town, Fez.

Next up will be more of Fez and our continuing journey east to the Sahara desert.

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