
Today was my Granny’s funeral in Timaru. We couldn’t attend but by all accounts it was a lovely ceremony and lots of happy memories were shared. Keryn and I will say our final goodbyes when we next visit down South.

Granny was 95 and we attended her birthday celebration earlier this year in Ashburton, a nice family event where I had a good conversation with Granny after eating tasty birthday cake. Granny was a strong willed, friendly and driven woman who right up till the end was living her own life; tending her beautiful garden, cutting her own firewood and keeping guests well fed with her great baking. She is now back with Grandad, and no doubt catching up on the years they’ve had apart. I’ll miss Granny, and will have to fill our daughter in on the great Granny she will never meet, but hopefully will get to know through stories, photos and the memories of her family.

Back in 2003 and out for a walk at the Rangitata Huts

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