Day 126 : Santiago to Pucon

We met our new truck today, Famoo being the name. We loaded all our bags and boarded in the morning before driving out of Santiago and heading south towards the town of Pucon in the Chilean lake district. Famoo is an older truck than Tranquilo and while the layout inside is the same there are lots of little differences. One other difference is that Famoo is a bit slower than Tranquilo, Rhys and Vanessa passing us as we left Santiago.

As we approached the Lake District the scenery got very pretty, pine forests lining the hills around attractive blue lakes and the odd snow capped volcano appearing on the horizon. The campsite was pleasant with a stream bubbling along next to the place where Famoo was parked and we set up our tents on the grass underneath the many trees. Across from where we parked Tranquilo was sitting at the center of a hive of activity, everyone working at tents, cooking or cleaning.

We went into Pucon to book our activities for the next day and then had our first meal cooked off the truck. It was strange seeing things done differently but that’s part of the journey and we’ll get used to it all. Tomorrow we would be climbing a volcano so we went to bed nice and early to prepare, it has been a while since we’ve done any exercise.

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