Wanderlust once more

The Wanderlust Travel Photo of the Year award winners are announced this Friday (UK time) and they’ve put the shortlisted entries up on their website. You can see all the entries from this page: http://www.wanderlust.co.uk/photography My photo is shown under the Icon section, mine is sixth in the gallery. Hopefully they’ll fix it but for […]

Competition time again

While I await the result of the Wanderlust Travel Photo of the Year competition I’ve been entering another competition closer to home. The NZ photo magazine DPhoto is running a competition in association with Canon to find the NZ Amatuer Photographer of the Year. I have entered the four categories and would love for anyone […]

Day 140 : Torres del Paine

A good nights sleep can erase lots of bad memories and this coupled with a nice day turned my mind from the previous days loathing. I wasn’t really physically ready for walking, my legs stiff, my knees aching, but I still managed to hobble down to the lake shore and get some nice morning photos […]

Day 139 : Torres del Paine

I had a restless night’s sleep and woke a little disorientated. From inside the tent it sounded like it was still raining and once I could focus and look at the nearby ceiling of the tent I could see it was lined with a covering of water drips, presumably the result of the heat of […]

Day 138 : Torres del Paine

There are a number of treks in the Torres del Paine national park and the most popular is called the W walk. The walk can be done either clockwise or counter-clockwise and involves walking up three valleys, from above the path making a W shape. Four of us decided we would do the walk, camping […]

Day 137 : El Calafate to Torres del Paine

We drove from El Calafate to the Torres del Paine national park in Chile today. Lunch was had outside a petrol station and a few of us took the opportunity to photograph one of the iconic Ruta 40 road signs found in Argentina. We have been travelling on the main highway under different names on […]

Day 136 : El Calafate

There was another glacier to visit and in the morning we all piled into a bus for our journey out to see the Moreno Glacier. Larger and more spectacular than the Viedma Glacier the Moreno is also much faster moving and daily large chunks of ice fall from the face into the fronting lake and […]

Day 135 : El Chalt?n to El Calafate

A group of five of us was up at 5:30am to go for the sunrise walk but it turned out I had miscalculated and the sun rose thirty minutes earlier than I thought it would. We were walking up the path into the national park and from a viewpoint could see the sky turning to […]

Day 134 : El Chalt?n

Now that we’d seen the Viedma Glacier in the distance it seemed churlish to now take the opportunity for a closer visit. We were picked up in a van and transported out to a boat ramp on Lago Viedma. It was a beautiful morning, a little chilly but we had good visibility and blue skies […]


So, there you go, 25 new entries to read. I’m still two weeks behind but I’m catching up fast. We haven’t had the same wireless access I came to expect and also there has been less writing time on this last leg of the journey. Things should get better now we’re heading up to Rio. […]

Day 133 : Bush Camp to El Chalt?n

Packing up the tents in the morning The road got better as we got closer to El Chalt?n, looking more like the standard Argentinean tarmac we were used to rather than the gravel we had been travelling on for most of the previous day. Again we had good weather and made good time but even […]

Day 132 : Baraloche to Bush Camp

The next stop was a region of Argentina known for its glaciers and it would take us two days to drive to the town of El Chalt?n. The highlight of this travel day was getting a flat tire, our first breakdown in four months. The tire was changed quickly enough and it wasn’t too long […]

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