Day 132 : Baraloche to Bush Camp

The next stop was a region of Argentina known for its glaciers and it would take us two days to drive to the town of El Chalt?n. The highlight of this travel day was getting a flat tire, our first breakdown in four months. The tire was changed quickly enough and it wasn’t too long after this that we pulled up at a clear area by the road for a bush camp.

Drive day survival equipment
Drive day survival equipment

A rainbow seen in the clouds
A rainbow seen in the clouds

Antonio and Jimmy work to remove the flat tire
Antonio and Jimmy work to remove the flat tire

Waiting while the tire is changed
Waiting while the tire is changed

Taking photos while we wait, this is Katie and Peta
Taking photos while we wait, this is Katie and Peta

An approaching vehicle as we set off again
An approaching vehicle as we set off again

Another clear day was followed by a clear night and thankfully not much wind. The starry night sky contained the southern cross, it’s always good to see this particular formation and for me I feel that I’m that much closer to home. We had marshmallows around the campfire after dinner and then found our way to our tent, drive days always tiring.

Setting up bush camp as the sun sets
Setting up bush camp as the sun sets

Around the camp fire
Around the camp fire

The southern cross appears
The southern cross appears

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