Day 137 : El Calafate to Torres del Paine

We drove from El Calafate to the Torres del Paine national park in Chile today. Lunch was had outside a petrol station and a few of us took the opportunity to photograph one of the iconic Ruta 40 road signs found in Argentina. We have been travelling on the main highway under different names on […]

Day 136 : El Calafate

There was another glacier to visit and in the morning we all piled into a bus for our journey out to see the Moreno Glacier. Larger and more spectacular than the Viedma Glacier the Moreno is also much faster moving and daily large chunks of ice fall from the face into the fronting lake and […]

Day 135 : El Chalt?n to El Calafate

A group of five of us was up at 5:30am to go for the sunrise walk but it turned out I had miscalculated and the sun rose thirty minutes earlier than I thought it would. We were walking up the path into the national park and from a viewpoint could see the sky turning to […]

Day 134 : El Chalt?n

Now that we’d seen the Viedma Glacier in the distance it seemed churlish to now take the opportunity for a closer visit. We were picked up in a van and transported out to a boat ramp on Lago Viedma. It was a beautiful morning, a little chilly but we had good visibility and blue skies […]

Day 133 : Bush Camp to El Chalt?n

Packing up the tents in the morning The road got better as we got closer to El Chalt?n, looking more like the standard Argentinean tarmac we were used to rather than the gravel we had been travelling on for most of the previous day. Again we had good weather and made good time but even […]

Day 132 : Baraloche to Bush Camp

The next stop was a region of Argentina known for its glaciers and it would take us two days to drive to the town of El Chalt?n. The highlight of this travel day was getting a flat tire, our first breakdown in four months. The tire was changed quickly enough and it wasn’t too long […]

Day 131 : Baraloche

We had grand plans today to head out to a nearby national park for some walking but didn’t quite get there in the end. First up I dragged myself out of bed very early to meet up with Margie for some sunrise shots down at the lake. We were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise, colours […]

Day 130 : Baraloche

I took a typing day while Keryn went out for a horse ride. Kern will have to fill in details later I guess, I know they went riding out in the high country near Baraloche but don’t remember any more than that. Janet on her horse One of the gaucho guides Riding on the plain […]

Day 121 : Mendoza to Santiago

Our destination today was the city of Santiago in Chile and as such there was another border crossing to negotiate. We drove over the Andes and same down towards the border and near to the site we came out of a tunnel to see a long line of cars snaking along the road. We hoped […]

Day 120 : Mendoza

We spent most of the day in Mendoza doing some shopping and just wandering around. It was a relaxing day with maybe a bit much walking but there wasn’t really a lot else that we wanted to do and the campsite wasn’t that exciting to stay for the day. In the evening Rhys did another […]

Day 119 : Mendoza

We had a wine tour booked today but first had to pack all our bags on to the truck as we would be camping later in the day. The tour took us to three different wineries for some tasting followed by a big lunch at a restaurant. The wineries were of different sizes, the first […]

Day 118 : Mendoza

So we come to Christmas Day. A late rise was followed by a champagne brunch, it was a very relaxing day. Other than some chatting via Skype we didn’t do a lot other than eat and drink. Everyone received their secret Santa gifts, Rhys dressing up again for the occasion. I got an Argentinean football […]

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