Day 121 : Mendoza to Santiago

Our destination today was the city of Santiago in Chile and as such there was another border crossing to negotiate. We drove over the Andes and same down towards the border and near to the site we came out of a tunnel to see a long line of cars snaking along the road. We hoped we would bypass the line as other trucks were doing but this was a false hope, we were waved onto the back of the line.

It took a couple of hours for Tranquilo to inch along the road to the border crossing. After an hour we passengers got out and we walked the kilometre to the border to have our passports processed. We were done as Tranquilo neared the head of the line and we all got onboard while the truck was processed through. The whole process took about four hours in the end and saw Vanessa running back and forward between buildings and people to get all the correct paperwork.

We still managed to get into Santiago in the afternoon and unloaded all our gear into our hotel. We went into the city center for dinner and tried our luck at a mall food court but managed to time our visit just as they were all closing. Some of our group got food but Lucy, Erika and I had to move on to find an alternative. We found a restaurant down the road still serving food and had a filling meal, though I did manage to accidentally order two mains (which I finished).

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