Day 122 : Santiago

In the morning Keryn and I wandered around the shops and I got some photos done for giving to Rhys and Vanessa as a parting gift. Keryn did much the same walk in the afternoon with Janet and Angie looking for clothes to wear to the New Years party and I spent the afternoon burning DVD’s for those leaving the next day and also sorting out some blog stuff.

We had a farewell dinner at a posh steak restaurant next to the hotel, the steak was again very good (gout here I come). The run in to New Years saw us doing a lot of relaxing, after New Years we have a full on few months on the road to Rio so we need all the rest we can get. However, I joined a few people in travelling to the hostel that would the venue for the New Years party and had a few drinks their, losing my phone in the process (the phone hasn’t been found so is now blocked, it’ll be cancelled shortly anyway so don’t try to contact me that way please). It was a nice hostel with a good set up in the outdoors area, it looks like New Years should be a lot of fun.

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