Day 89 : Chivay to Cusco

We drove from Chivay to Cusco today but took a mountain pass that Rhys and Vanessa hadn’t taken in the past. This turned out to be an inspired idea; the day was beautiful and our early start meant we drove through the plains and mountains with beautiful light over the breathtaking vistas. Mostly the road was unsealed and we passed lots of farms and there were plenty of llama and alpaca to be seen.

An early morning stop in the mountains
An early morning stop in the mountains

The winding road
The winding road

We also came across a couple of pretty lakes, one with a small flock of flamingos wading and filtering for food. While stopped to take photos and take a toilet break a local woman showed enterprise by leaving her herd for a moment and approaching us to sell some small trinkets.

Flamingos on the lake
Flamingos on the lake

Watching with Tranquilo
Watching with Tranquilo

The local lady
The local lady

Another lake we came across
Another lake we came across

We arrived in Cusco in the early evening and Vanessa took us for an orientation walk once we were all settled in. We had a good dinner, though the service was a bit slow due mainly (I think) to the full restaurant.

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