Day 119 : Mendoza

We had a wine tour booked today but first had to pack all our bags on to the truck as we would be camping later in the day. The tour took us to three different wineries for some tasting followed by a big lunch at a restaurant.

The wineries were of different sizes, the first being the biggest. At each we were shown around the vats and machinery and then past the barrels at each place. The guide at the first winery was terrible, her descriptions free from inflection or even interest and her face barely moved as she spoke. At the second winery the guide was full of enthusiasm but the machinery drowned out a lot of what he was saying. The third guide was very attractive and full of life, she was easily the best of the three.

Messing around with the barrels
Messing around with the barrels

When it came to the tastings the first two wineries gave us a small glass of their cheapest wine, not very exciting. We got an award winning wine from the last winery and it was really nice, guess which winery we bought an expensive bottle from.

The meal was the best part of the day. We sat down at a table laden with what seemed like hundreds of plates full of food; meats and vegetables in all sorts of interesting sauces. It was very filling and really good, well worth the poor wine tastings (and we got plenty of wine with lunch as well).

Our massive lunch
Our massive lunch

We then went to our new campsite just outside of town. There was another truck, a Toucan one, at the site and we got to know a few of the people over the course of the night. Danny broke out the swimwear and pink hot pants to give them all a surprise and surprised they were.

Danny gives a show
Danny gives a show

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