Day 62 : Otavalo to the Jungle

Our journey today was a reasonably long driving day out to the Amazon basin and the eastern edge of the Amazon jungle. It was a beautiful day and we drove past some amazing scenery as we drove over the Ecuadorian Andes and a high pass at 4200ft.

Taking in the view
Taking in the view

One of the alpine views
One of the alpine views

The road was terrible at times and some of the bridges were a little bit on the small side but it all added to the variety of the day, keeping us interested in between spectacular volcano views. We stopped for lunch at some natural hot pools but the usual complex was bypassed as it appeared to have no water. The replacement was a bit more upmarket and over three times as expensive ($7 instead of $2) so most people didn’t take a dip. This was our first lunch from the truck and it all went quite smoothly.

Narrow bridge
Narrow bridge

We eventually got to Rio Napo and transferred to a long and shallow boat for our trip downriver to the Anaconda Lodge. It was a good twenty minutes down the wide river and we went through a couple of very small rapids. The Anaconda Lodge is run by Adonis and he showed us to our rooms. We were all in one big building which was divided into six rooms, three on each long side. It was all wooden and while basic with no electricity it was comfortable.

Our candle lit room
Our candle lit room

It was getting dark as we unpacked into our room and most of us ended up back at the restaurant/bar area. We had a good dinner and a few drinks in the evening.

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