Day 20 : Caye Caulker

There is not much to say about this day. We had a very lazy morning, not really doing anything other than relax and pack up our bags. We were all at the jetty for the 1pm water taxi back to Belize City, a trip that was only notable for the group of what appeared to be convicts at the back of the boat. They were all either handcuffed in pairs or individually and were accompanied by a police officer. Otherwise the trip itself was nothing to pass comment on. We had more taxis take us to the bus station and there we caught a local bus that took a few hours to get us to the Trek Stop, an eco-lodge near the town of San Ignacio.

The Trek Stop was pretty basic really, a number of small cabins with a separate composting toilet block and another separate shower block. We all settled in and as the evening bore down watched a presentation from a local tour operator on options for the next day. The main attractions were a couple of different caves and most signed up to head underground.

We had dinner in the local kitchen/restaurant which was basic but tasty. Most people headed for a short walk down the road to the nearby supermarket and then returned to sit in the covered common area to play cards. read books or just chat. Heading to bed we found the room a bit damp, the previous week had been very wet. Even the mattress was damp so we had a broken nights sleep listening to the sounds of the forest around us. Matt and Sam had a bit more adventure in their room; Matt discovered a large and very quick spider on the ceiling as he went to hang his mosquito net. Apparently it took a fair bit of persuasion to get the spider into a position where it could be ejected from the room. Luckily we had no such nocturnal visitors.

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