A new year

Happy New Year one and all. It has been a while without any update, mainly because I haven’t got around to finishing the writing from our trip. Needless to say we have a great time in Australia, New Zealand and a few relaxing days in Fiji before touching down in London. We’re now back at work, have found a new place to live and are getting back into the swing of normal life once more.

I have written up a few more days and if I can manage it we’ll have more from our trip uploaded in the next week or so. We don’t have Internet access at home right now (mainly because there isn’t a phone line and it doesn’t look like there will be a line for at least a few more weeks) and that is slowing down the process.

So, in the meantime here are a few photos from Australia, click on them to see a larger photo. Until next time…

The Twelve Apostles.
The Twelve Apostles

The view from the tower steps at Otway Fly.
The view from the tower steps at Otway Fly

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