Back in London

Our first day back in London was really nice, blue skies, warm (ish) weather and no wind. I’m happy to say we’re back to overcast skies and chilly winds now. As is normal there are many photos which we need to organise and do something with, the only difference being that this time I had the digital camera so I don’t need to scan photos in. I’ll put up a few photos from Thailand in a minute, Ayuthaya specifically.

I’ve taken this from the Lonely Planet website:
About 86km (53mi) north of Bangkok is the former Thai capital of Ayuthaya. By the end of the 17th century it had a population of over a million people and many foreigners claimed it was the most illustrious city they had ever seen. These days, the city is really only of interest for its many ruins and museums, but it’s definitely worth a visit if history is your bag. Along with its two impressive museums – Chao Sam Phraya National Museum and Chan Kasem Palace – the city’s large collection of temples and ruins have been declared World Heritage sites by UNESCO.

Uncle Michael picked us up at Bangkok airport and took us to Ayuthaya for a days exploring, it was a great experience.

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