Part VI : Day 59 : Quito

We took today as a rest day. Our only real task was to move to a new hotel and meet the Kumuka tour crowd in the evening. We did go out for a walk and exchanged some traveller’s cheques and also collected our washing from the hotel. In the afternoon we got a taxi (only because it was raining, we could have walked) to the Hostel Jardin del Sol.

Our meeting was at 6pm and we came downstairs to find a few people already around the table. Our tour leader is Vanessa, from New Zealand, and the driver is Rhys from Australia. There are twelve of us doing the tour, a mix of Australian, New Zealand, English and Irish. We were given some information of the tour, the coming days and a few tour basics. We’re in a truck for South America and as such have locker space for our gear, so we won’t have to carry around our sleeping bags and mats anymore which is a bonus.

We all went out for dinner at a Mongolian grill and got to know each other a little bit. The food was cheap and just about everyone then went on to a bar for some drinks. A few ended up out very late, Keryn and I were back at the hotel before midnight. Tomorrow we have a day to ourselves in Quito (we’ll finally explore this town) and the next day we take our first day on the truck.

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