
Today we find ourselves in Mexico City at the Hotel Mallorca. We got to the Hotel this morning around 5:30am and after getting our room pretty much just went to bed. The trip had taken us from Heathrow flying with Kuwait Airlines to New York (an uneventful trip). At JFK Airport we had a wait of six hours for the next leg and our plans to head into Manhattan were scuppered by having to wait a few hours to check in for the Mexicana flight. At 1am New York time we flew out heading for Mexico City, arriving four hours later to circle over the huge city picked out by thousands of lights below. We found a taxi with minimum fuss and the trip to the hotel was quick, driving through busy streets (even that early) in a taxi with no seatbelts or working speedometer.

Waking up we pottered around in the room, had showers and then took a walk outside to scope out the area. We figured out where we actually were on the maps available to us (with the help of reception staff) and then wandered around the block. We found a supermarket which was good for picking up food for out lunch and breakfast over the next few days. Just down the road is a small food and clothing market that we’ll probably return to for dinner. Already we realise we’re not at the minimum required level for Spanish so there’ll be some study after this I think.

We’re already been talking to people via Google Chat, I think this journey is going to have us closer to home through technology what with the chat and Skype options. We’ve just been introduced to the tour leader…I guess this thing is actually happening now hey?

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