About Friends

Today I’m going to post about a few friends and their sites. Kathy and Sharon are currently travelling the world and they have a travel website detailing their adventures at http://www.ksrtw.com. Their travels make our little trips seem insignificant by comparison.

A sunset cruise photo from Cape Town with Will, Maria, Kathy, Sharon, Keryn and Sharon's daughter Sam
A sunset cruise photo from Cape Town with Will, Maria, Kathy, Sharon, Keryn and Sharon’s daughter Sam

After we’ve been to NZ we’re heading to Brisbane for a few days to visit with Paul and Jen. Paul worked on the Helpdesk and then the Networks team here at LandSec. It’s going to be good to catch up with them. You can see photos of Paul and Jen’s wedding on this site: http://members.iinet.net.au/~pdruce/

Jen and Paul at Stonehenge when we all visited back in July 2004.
Jen and Paul at Stonehenge when we all visited back in July 2004.

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