A fox and friends

We’ve had a sociable few days. On Friday night we trekked back up to Muswell Hill and had dinner with Kristy. We ate at Bakko which was our favourite restaurant in Muswell Hill when we lived there and I’m happy to say it is still excellent. We ate our meals and chatted about all sorts of things for 3 hours or so – it was good to catch up.

This was followed on Saturday afternoon by a visit to Kathy and Sharon. More talking about work and travel was undertaken and Kathy cooked us a lovely curry for dinner. Sharon broke her ankle a few weeks ago so she and Keryn had a number of things to say about being on crutches – though I think Sharon has the tougher deal. Again it was good to catch up with friends from the road, it’s something I think we need to try harder at.

Sunday was a day of rest and washing. Keryn was looking out the kitchen window in the morning and was surprised to see a fox settling down for a nap on a discarded mattress that made up part of the rubbish heap out the back. It stayed there all day, not getting up till dusk. I think it’s a very old fox, it’s fur wasn’t in the best condition and it spent a lot of time scratching. That said it didn’t act ill – I guess life in town is tough for larger animals. Anyway, I took a few photos. The fox would open it’s eyes and stare back at me occasionally but it was very unconcerned about the attention it was getting.

Looking at the cameraman.
Looking at the cameraman

A tired yawn.
A tired yawn

The pile of rubbish out back.
The pile of rubbish out back

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One thought on “A fox and friends

  1. Was this rubbish out the back of your house?! All we see in our backyard is the odd Hedgehog and several cats from around the area.

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