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One Saturday

Saturday was another in a long line of sunny, warm days to have hit Wellington so we got outside and spent a few hours walking around at Zealandia. We got to see lots of wildlife, Keryn say the falcons for the first time and we managed to get dive bombed by the feisty male, even though the fledgling was much further down the hill safely perched in a pine tree. We started joking that we’d see all the birds and one by one we did see a great deal, only missing the weka really.

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A kaka feeding.

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A swirl of pollen follows the tui feeding.

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The male falcon warns us away.

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A quail calling in the forest.

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A tuatara enjoys the warmth of the sun.

In the evening we went out for dinner and music. We ate at the Buenos Aires Tango Bistro and all had good food, the place seems to keep getting better food wise, even if once again we were nearly the only customers. We were with Catherine, Sam and Jules and with dinner finished we walked down to the Courtney Place Kaffee Eis to get some desert. The nights entertainment was to be Anika Moa with support from Mel Parsons. The original idea was to have dinner and music at the same venue but the Ruby Lounge closed down (landlord issues) a few weeks ago so the venue was switched to Bodega and that meant no dinner, no table next to the stage.

Arriving at Bodega we discovered a lounge bar set up with small tables and chairs set up in the area in front of the stage, naturally all the seats were taken. We ended up sitting on the floor in a space to the front left of stage, not particularly comfortable. To make matter worse Jules headache that had been brewing for a while got worse (no doubt not helped by the speaker above our sitting space) and he and Sam had to leave, so we were down to three.

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Mel Parsons.

We sat through the Mel Parsons set but I had had enough and got up to stand at the edge of the stage, off to the so we weren’t obscuring many people. This was much more comfortable and with Anika being her usual funny self the rest of the evening was enjoyable.

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Anika Moa.
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