Andorra: Day 3 – White Christmas

We opened the prezzies in the morning. We then all dressed warmly in our wet weather gear then headed off to play in the snow; several snow angels, snowball fights, 1 or 2 people getting stuck in the snow. Karyn and I made a snowman, while Brian wrote his name in the snow repeatedly (not the typical ‘male’ way of writing in the snow, Brian stomped carefully in the snow making giant sized letters, that could be seen from various places in Andorra – if you knew where to look on the mountain).

Keryn in the snow.
Keryn in the snow

All of us with Pas de la Casa in the background. From left to right we have Brendon, Brian, Karyn, Keryn, Maree, Scott and Bernie.
All of us with Pas de la Casa in the background. From left to right we have Brendon, Brian, Karyn, Keryn, Maree, Scott and Bernie

For our Christmas lunch we went to a restaurant close by. That night the reps had a bum-boarding night planned; this involved sticking what looked like a short plastic spade under you bum, holding on to the handle and sliding down the main ski slopes at top speed. The aim was to be the first person to reach the designated rep at the bottom; there were various races, singles, doubles, groups of 5, then finally girls vs. guys (that’s all girls in one long train vs. all the guys in one long chain – very messy). The whole evening was a lot of fun but people tend to bump into each other and you come out covered in bruises, well worth the effort though.

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