Stockholm via Heathrow and Montreal

Patricia and Sam spent a few hours at Heathrow on Sunday morning and we did our best to meet them. Our best nearly wasn’t enough as train times meant we would be arriving an hour after their plane touched down. This was compounded by train delays for us and the plane arriving thirty minutes early. In the end we managed to ‘bump’ into them leaving the gate 3 arrival hall as they’d just given up on waiting for us, we were very lucky to bump into them at all really.

We made our way to the departures gate and they checked in for the outbound flight. It was then upstairs to a pub for a bit of food and relaxing time. Before too long their departure gate was announced and we saw them off to the customs control entrance. Hopefully we’ll see them again in October or, failing that, at Christmas time.

A brief airport visit.
A brief airport visit

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