Rosie at the Borderline

Rosie Thomas is a person that you can describe a thousand times and still never fully explain. The first time we saw her was as the support act for Jewel back in 2002. She was fantastic that night and I got to meet her and say hi while she signed her album for me. We used one of her songs (October) for our first dance song at our wedding.

Last night we saw her perform at a wee place named the Borderline and she was once again fantastic. A quiet, unassuming person you do a double take when you hear her speak in her high, apparently helium filled voice. You then look again when she let’s out her clipped woody woodpecker laugh before being mesmerised by her full, heartfelt singing.

Arrivng on stage for the encore.
Arriving on stage for the encore

The songs are delicate, sweet and moving rather like the singer herself. And then she’ll tell a funny story about something that happened one day and everyone is caught up in infectious laughter. Then there is the other side of her stage persona, her alter ego comedian side wearing a neck brace, thick glasses and attached constantly to a drink with one hand.

Rosie and Denison Witmer.
Rosie and Denison Witmer

So Rosie talked and sang and constantly told us how she loved being here, and we all laughed and listened and clapped to show we appreciated her being here as well. The night had been slow before Rosie arrived, the first act turgid and repetitive and really rather depressing. Denison Witmer was the next to arrive on stage and proceeded to warm the crowd with his acoustic talent, being joined by Rosie for a couple of songs. Rosie then came back on stage for her headline performance and played her tunes and talked to us is a set that seemed to pass all too quickly. Rosie finishing with a new song she read from her notebook, I assume a new song. The song was titled ‘For You’, a name that fitted a woman’s heartfelt performance which was for us all.

Chatting away with a gleam in her eye.
Chatting away with a gleam in her eye

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