BBQ and Battersea

The Railway Bell
The Railway Bell

Yesterday we went out to Hampton for a farewell BBQ at the Old Railway Bell pub. Trish, Nigel and Ryan are moving out west to Andover and this was their time to say goodbye. We had a good afternoon in the sun (punctuated with a short period of heavy rain) chatting over drinks and a lovely BBQ. It was nice to catch up with some people we hadn’t seen in a while and also to be at a pub with friendly staff.


Kevin, Sissel and Brian
Kevin, Sissel and Brian

A Pint
A Pint

The return journey took us through Clapham Junction and I grabbed a couple of photos of Battersea Power Station as we zoomed by in the train.

Battersea Power Station
Battersea Power Station

Today has been a day of shopping, selling and packing. We went into London to pick up a few final clothing items for our trip. I’ve been selling various things on ebay recently and today sold one of my camera bags for £80, which wasn’t too bad I thought. We’ve got a camera, an underwater housing and two wardrobes up for sale at the moment.

This was taken while we walked from Carnaby Street towards Covent Garden. I’m not sure if it’s artwork or a display but it was sufficiently different to warrant a photo.

Plugged In
Plugged In

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