Andorra: Day 2 – Exploring Pas de la Casa

Our first sight of Pas de la Casa in the light of day the next morning was peaking out the window over an impressive mountain peak caught in the morning light – magnificent. Our mission for today was to book our snowboarding gear and to check out the local shopping. We wandered out our front door across the road to the ski lifts where we managed to book a snowboard instructor on the coming Wednesday for the group. Then we went up the road a wee bit to hire all the gear, we hired snowboards and boots for 3 days and managed to get a good deal for seven people. Then shopping! Pas de la Casa shopping really just included electronic stores, supermarkets (alcohol and other odd bits), perfume stores, ski gear shops plus the odd touristy shop. The rest of the town was made up of restaurants, pubs and nightclubs.

The evening contained relaxing, going to a pizzeria for dinner and playing games.

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