Andorra: Day 7 – Shopping

Today was the planned day to go to Andorra la Vella, everyone (with the exception of Bernie and I) headed off early to catch the bus. Due to my condition I needed to get up with everyone else, so that Brendon could help me dress and put my shoes on, otherwise I would have been well and truly stuck inside all day. I stayed home and read my book, only stepping outside to buy some lunch. Bernie went shopping in Pas de la Casa.

When Brendon got back we went out to buy our duty free stock – a bottle of Port, Apple Schnapps, Baileys, dark Barcardi, a Leatherman, and a Minidisk player/recorder. Previously Brendon had found a replacement wide-angle lens for our camera in a closing down sale. Upon returning to England we found that we couldn’t have bought it second hand for the price Brendon got it for – so it was a good buy.
For our final night we went back to our favourite restaurant (that also had extra chairs for putting ungainly legs on), to celebrate Brendon and my engagement and to commemorate our final night. This restaurant had really nice food with a good selection, while still being cheap.

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