Subterranean ?

Photo walk in Devonport

We were up in Auckland for Keryn’s Mum’s birthday and this coincided with the 2010 Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk. Last year I joined the Wellington walk and as we were up north I joined the walk taking place in Devonport. Keryn, Sophie and Travis all came along as well and the day was beautifully clear and quite warm.

The walk was starting at the North Head Tunnels in the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park to the east of Devonport before heading down into the town. We arrived second after the organiser Brian Foose (prompt arrival earned us a spot prize later on in the day which Travis and Sophie got to keep) and stood in the sun while others arrived. Brian laid down the guidelines (take photos, have fun) and everyone scattered to take photos. I briefly met Ollie Dale who is editor for the NZ Photographer magazine, it was good to meet in person after out numerous email conversations.

Subterranean ?Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Looking for shapes, patterns and different viewpoints

The golden daysPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Looking over the harbour

There were a number of historical points of interest in old building, gun emplacements and a series of tunnels running underneath the hilltop. The tunnels were where I had the most fun. We had been advised to bring a torch and between Keryn’s LED head torch and Travis and Sophie’s lantern I was able to play with some interesting light trails – long exposures with the camera on a tripod and someone running around waving a torch around.

On target IIPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Target practice

Electric AvenuePhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Electric avenue

Electric Stairs IIPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Tripping light

Loops IIIPhoto by Brendon & Keryn


Messing with the lightPhoto by Brendon & Keryn

Messing with the light

After leaving the hill we headed down to the Devonport township and had a little wander around before heading into a restaurant for a drink and chat with Ollie, Brian and some others. We decided to get lunch a little later so once we’d had our drinks we were off to find some food which we ate sitting in park under the blue sky. Then it was back to the car and off for another adventure.

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