Day 91 : Cusco and the Sacred Valley

A bus arrived this morning to transport us through a tour of the Sacred Valley. Our first stop was the Inka site of Sacsayhuaman perched on a hill overlooking Cusco. Our guide Martine sat us down in the wide grassy space between two hill tops and explained about the supposed history of the site. The […]

Day 88 : Chivay and the Colca Canyon

Once again we had the company of Miguel as our tour leader, this time for an excursion out to the Colca Canyon. The main attraction of the canyon is the possibility of seeing condors in flight and we were lucky enough to arrive after an hour and a half along a bumpy dirt road to […]

Day 84 : Nazca to Puerto Inka

For the first time ever on a travel day we were actually leaving in the late morning so we had as much of a sleep in as the temperature would allow. We didn’t do much in the early morning other than returning the empty beer bottles and taking down our tent. We did have a […]

Day 82 : Lima to Paracas and Huacachina

Driving out of Lima we headed south following the coast and arrived at the town of Paracas around 10am. At a small jetty we were loaded into an already crowded boat for a trip out to the Ballestas Islands. I was sitting with Gavin, one of the new guys, near the front of the boat […]

Day 79 : Huaraz to Lima

We set off much too early heading towards Lima. We drove back down the same valley road we had come up on, heading out to the coast before turning north. The weather was much more pleasant this time around with sun and good visibility. Stopping at road works we took photos of local children who […]

Day 78 : Huaraz

I was up early with a group of others for a day trip out to Lake 69. We were to climb up the lower slopes of Chacraraju in the Cordillera Blanca, the local name for this area of the Andes. There were six of us; Danny, Albert, Angie, Michelle, Janet and myself. There was a […]

Day 75 : Huanchaco

For once I managed to actually get up for a sunrise. Unfortunately due to the location there wasn’t actually a sunrise to see. Huanchaco sits very near the point where the Humboldt Current rises from the Antarctic and the California current coming from the north meet. The confluence of currents causes an almost every day […]

Day 73 : Punta Sal

Keryn was up very early to go Horse riding, not long after sunrise. With Michelle and Angie and their guide Victor they rode along the beach for an hour or so and apparently it was very nice. Danny and I did the same ride in the late afternoon with others going for a longer ride […]

Day 66 : Near Ban?s

As this is pretty much the only place on our trip through South America where it’s possible to do canyoning I had signed up for this as todays activity. Shortly after 9am I was getting kitted up along with Sean, Daniel, Janet and Angie. We all got wetsuits, spray jackets, life jackets, abseiling harnesses and […]

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