Crash Test Dummies @ Dingwalls

The Crash Test Dummies concert was held at Dingwalls which is in the middle of the Lock Markets at Camden, London. The concert doors were to open at 7:30pm, but the girl at the door told us that the sound check was taking longer than usual so things would be a bit late. CTD themselves […]

A trip West and South

Here’s an old one out of the archives, October 2001. Day One London, through Avebury to Bath – with Chalk Horse spotting on the way. Keryn at Avebury Bath cathedral Day Two Bath, Wells, Glastonbury through to Brighton. Roman Bath Well’s Cathedral Flying over Glastonbury Tor Keryn at Glastonbury Tor Day Three Brighton, the Long […]

Tori Amos

Tori played at a place called the Union Chapel in Islington, and is still used as a church. It’s strange being seated for a concert in church pulpits looking at people lining up to buy beer. There was an assortment of interesting people at the concert, from full on gothic through punk and hippie to […]

Heather Nova

Great concert at Shepherds Bush Empire, an old BBC building. Heather is really small but has a huge and unique voice. Heather started off slowly but soon got into the swing of things and let loose with plenty of volume and passion. There were two encores, the second of which was dictated by the audience, […]

Summer Solstice Fireworks

In our previous post we forgot to mention that we got to see a really cool fireworks display at Victoria Park celebrating the summer solstice. The fireworks were amazing and were set to music. First theme was the drums, which had fire spurts in time to the beat, second theme was the saxophone where there […]

Flat Hunting

It has been a wee while since our last email. Our excuse is that nothing much had happened, and then when stuff did start happening we didn’t have an Internet connection (and we didn’t want to go to an Internet CafĂ©). Flat hunting turned out to be a small nightmare, we kept on missing out […]

Living in London

The weather has really humid the last week, by the weekend it was staring to rain as well. We went for a walk up Charing Cross in the rain (the rain/drizzle wasn’t to bad as it worked to cool down the skin from the really annoying humidity) checking out the large number of bookshops ’till […]

Karyn & Brian go to Crete

Karyn & Brian came back from their holiday in Crete and brought the nice weather back with them. Since Maree & Scott had been gone for so long, a BBQ was in order for people to catch up. So here we all were in the middle on London having a typical antipodeans BBQ (6 Kiwis […]

South Kensington walking

The following weekend Karyn & Brian’s friends Maree & Scott arrived after a two-month holiday travelling around Italy & Spain. They are crashing here until the find a place to live (they moved the following weekend, so Karyn & Brian only had a house full of Kiwis for a few days). We considered checking out […]

London Markets & Robot Wars

Last weekend Karyn & I (Keryn) decided to go to the markets for the day. We wanted to go to Spitalfields & Petticoat Lane Markets, but after surfacing from the tube and wandering around we quickly discovered that these markets were not open on a Saturday. We figured since we were in the City, with […]

Job Hunting

Right, we’re in London and we notice that our poor old NZ $ doesn’t quite go as far. This means we have to find work – what a mission that will turn out to be, at least for one of us anyway. The week following our visit to Camden markets started our job hunting. This […]

The first Melbourne days

Hello, We’ve been here in Melbourne for just over four days now. Melbourne is a lovely place (the perfect weather helps of course). We’re staying with Steve and Chris at their apartment on the edge of the central city. We nearly didn’t make it at all, we went to the Flight Centre in Whangarei the […]

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