Perseid Meteor Shower

Last night was a warm, clear night (don’t get many of those this summer) and it coincided with the height of the Perseid meteor shower (learn more here), so I convinced Keryn we should go up to Alexandra Palace at about 10pm and see if we could see anything. We wandered around a bit looking […]

Maybe next time

I got to Tottenham Court Road and walked down towards Forbidden Planet at around 4pm, the signing was meant to start at 5pm. A while back I went to a Terry Pratchett signing at Forbidden Planet and ended up in a line for two hours. The line when I got there yesterday was about three […]

Moving soon

Hi. Yes, we are still here, quiet as we have been. We’re going to be moving house in the next month to six weeks and had a look at some places on Saturday. Two of the places were OK, though one was out of our budget a little bit (we’re looking at a maximum of […]

Bunnies, amongst other things

Right, the course is over and I’ve had a couple of days rest. Its back to work tomorrow. I passed all of my exams and have to decide what two papers I’ll do now to finish off the MCSE. Hopefully I’ll make that decision this week and I might even start the study this week […]


It’s been a while… I’ve been on a course the last week, an M(icrosoft) C(ertified) S(systems) E(ngineer) one at a company called Wave. The course is called a ‘bootcamp’ and lasts for two weeks. During the two weeks we get to go over a whole lot of coursework and do five exams. The MCSE invloves […]

Seven Worlds Collide

It’s the weekend, yeah. Just watched the ‘Neil Finn and Friends’ concert DVD, really wish I’d gone now, oh well. Got up early to pick up a package from the post office, it was two prints I’d bought from Larry Elmore, specifically ‘The Memory Stone‘ and ‘Tanis and Laurana‘. We’ll be off later this morning […]

Study time

I’ve spent the last two days sitting in a chair in our lounge staring at books and a laptop, all in aid of study for my MCSE bootcamp in a couple of weeks. I can say that I am truly beginning to hate, well, dislike strongly, text books on networking and active directory. However, it […]

England out

England are out and London returns to normal. People still watch the World Cup but its not really big news anymore. Bigger news is the tennis at Wimbledon which starts today. I’ve missed a few phone calls on the weekend, we’ll hopefully catch up with people this coming weekend. I’m off to a Roger Waters […]

Busy on the tube so early

I can honestly say that the tube has never been so busy at 6:15 in the morning. England play Brazil this morning and London will shortly come to a standstill for 90-130 minutes and then it’ll be a national party or a huge wake, dependant on the score. Should all be fun. We’ve got a […]

Another blog change

Things have changed a little bit. It’s easier for us to update things the way things are now, we hope its still easy to navigate and not too harsh on the eye. You’ll notice that there are more pages on the menu now. They all have something on them, even if its just a short […]

Don’t they know the game is on?

Football’s on, England are winning, and still people call us on the HelpDesk. Thankfully the IT manager rang and said we could turn off the phones at half time – England has officially come to a halt.

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