Maybe next time

I got to Tottenham Court Road and walked down towards Forbidden Planet at around 4pm, the signing was meant to start at 5pm. A while back I went to a Terry Pratchett signing at Forbidden Planet and ended up in a line for two hours. The line when I got there yesterday was about three times as long already, so I was looking at a four to five hour wait this time. It would have gone though quicker than the Terry line as people were only able to have one thing signed (the FOTR DVD) with Christopher. When I was in the line for Terry I saw people with up to a dozen books each. So, I had a quick look and then left, I wasn’t prepared to wait that long.

Anyway, Keryn was looking at a flat that evening so I was able to join her. It’s a two bedroom terraced house in a quite new subdivision (and there aren’t many new subdivisions in the areas we’re looking). It’s not a huge place but is bigger than what we’ve got, has a garden and lots of storage space. It’s also got three bathrooms (cloakroom downstairs and an ensuite for each bedroom, one with a shower, the other with a bath) and is in a
quiet, nice looking street. It’s a little bit further away from the tube for me but that’s alright. It also comes with everything furniture and appliance wise, including cutlery, plates, bookshelves, TV, video, phone, etc. We
liked it and are starting the process of signing up.

So, hopefully our flat finding process will be relatively stress free this time around, we’ll just have to see what complications arise along the way (because there are always complications in this country).

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