Bunnies, amongst other things

Right, the course is over and I’ve had a couple of days rest. Its back to work tomorrow. I passed all of my exams and have to decide what two papers I’ll do now to finish off the MCSE. Hopefully I’ll make that decision this week and I might even start the study this week as well…stranger things have happened.

We went to a bbq at Karyn and brian’s place yesterday evening, very nice to relax in the back yard, the food and company were very good. We went back today for lunch to eat some of the leftovers and Keryn got to discuss a few wedding details with Karyn and Maree. We’ve been in contact with a couple of wedding organisers in Scotland and have two dates set for castle visits on our trip next month.

Between then and now we don’t have anything planned really for the time we’ve got – other than maybe moving flat. We have to talk to Selman and see what the terms of the lease are. The current lease expires in three weeks (just before we go to Scotland) and we’re not sure if we have to give notice or if its been assumed we’ll re-sign. I want to move to Highgate, Keryn’s looking a bit further north and west.

Christopher Lee is doing a signing at Forbidden Planet (big comic/fantasy/sci fi store) when the Lord of the Rings – Fellowship of the Rings is released on DVD, so I’ll go along to get his signature. Hopefully I won’t have to wait in line for hours like my other signature seeking adventures. We’re also going to try and catch Neil Gaiman in Scotland, he’s doing a signing and a few readings for his new book Coraline at various Scottish venues while we’re in the country. It was Neil Gaiman’s blog that got me into blogging, and I can certaintly recommend his blog as a good read, much more interesting and funny than mine. His blog also put me on to the ‘Bunny of the Month Club‘, which I’m in conversation to join at the moment…

So, thats us (or me anyway, I try to get Keryn to write but she hasn’t yet, maybe one day). I’ll be scanning photos and writing stuff over the next week or so, so there should be some site updates. Until next time…

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