
It’s been a while… I’ve been on a course the last week, an M(icrosoft) C(ertified) S(systems) E(ngineer) one at a company called Wave. The course is called a ‘bootcamp’ and lasts for two weeks. During the two weeks we get to go over a whole lot of coursework and do five exams. The MCSE invloves seven exams in total, so I’ll only have two more to go once next week is finished (assuming I pass of course, I’ve passed three so far). Anyway, I should have done this years ago. If Paul (HelpDesk manager, Waikato University) was reading this he’d go “about time too” I bet. So thats why I’ve been quiet, I’ve been studying, more than I ever have before…and its working, so I’ll be quiet for a while yet.

We have done some stuff recently, we’ve been to Whipsnade and are now both members for the next year. We also went to a Photography Monthly readers day yesterday with Karyn and Brian. We’ll have something up about the trips at some point. So, see ya later, I’m off to eat dinner.

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