England out

England are out and London returns to normal. People still watch the World Cup but its not really big news anymore. Bigger news is the tennis at Wimbledon which starts today. I’ve missed a few phone calls on the weekend, we’ll hopefully catch up with people this coming weekend. I’m off to a Roger Waters concert this Wednesday evening, which should be good. Hopefully I’ll get in contact with Ben before then, he’s been in Ibiza for the last week, and he’s meant to be coming on Wednesday as well. Went to a TV show recording as part of the audience on Friday night with Jim – it was a new BBC TV show called Celeb with Harry Enfield as the star. All very funny, if a little long (took three hours as they kept having to redo scenes). There was a guy there who had the job of keeping us enthusiastic been scenes by telling us jokes etc. Turns out it was quite a multicultural audience, lots of Kiwis in attendance. Thats about all.

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