Family and Tori Amos

We’ve been busy over the last few days. I’ve had siblings ring me at work from Melbourne, I rang my Dad to say happy birthday, we’ve had Pauline ring after coming back from NZ last week and Keryn called Steve and Chris in Melbourne as well. We’ve spent a bit of time looking at Australian news sites (mainly Nine MSN) trying to figure out if Sam and Patricia are OK what with the fires going on in Canberra. It looks like they’ll be close to the action – they live in the area called Belconnen which is on the west side of Canberra, and it’s the west where the fires are worst. However, it looks like the really bad parts are the areas of Stromlo and Duffy, which are south and west of where they live (you can look at a map of Canberra here, Belconnen the suburb is in the middle of Belconnen the region, Duffy is in the region of Weston Creek). Hopefully they’re OK.

As well as talking to people we’ve been out and about a bit. We went to a Tori Amos concert at the Hammersmith Apollo on Thursday night. I took my camera hoping for some good concert shots but the security was the tightest I’d ever seen at a concert. They separated everyone into male and female rows and searched everyone’s bags and patted everyone down looking for recording equipment. Because of this I left my camera with my jacket in the coat check. In spite of this plenty of people still got their cameras in, hopefully I’ll find some photos on the Internet somewhere. I did get a few photos of Tori before the concert – she does a meet and greet with the fans before each show. Here’s the best one.

Tori signing for the fans, 16 Jan 2002, Hammersmith Apollo, London

The concert itself was great, I might write something up later. Friday night we went to a show in the west end – our first in nearly two years living in London. We saw the Reduced Shakespeare Company perform ‘The Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged’, and it was absolutely hilarious. Again, I might write more on it later (or get Keryn to write something). Last night we went to a work do, Keryn’s New Years party at the St. Ann’s Hilton near Woking. A good night out and a nice sleep in a fancy hotel. I also got to meet all the people Keryn keeps talking about. Thats it for now, this week we’re off to see ‘The Lion King’, again in the west end, and also going out for drinks with Ben and Jim.

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