A new blog – part II

You wouldn’t believe the trouble I went through just to get this blog up and running – bet you didn’t know that you have to be dialled in on a BT dialup number to ftp to a BT website did you. Probably don’t care anyway. At least it proved the catalyst to get the new […]

A new blog

The first post, to check this all works.


We had our trip to Dublin and it wasn’t the best time we had, mainly because we both came down with something on the first night and the weather wasn’t the best. However, we did get to do a bit of shopping and sightseeing and we will be going back at some stage. We’ll have […]

Andorra: Day 8 – Heading Home

Up early again to pack and clean before catching the bus at 9am. I headed off early with Bernie as the 5-minute walk has now become a 20-minute walk for myself, plus I needed to be early to guarantee getting the back seat on the bus. The trip back to the airport was uneventful; we […]

Andorra: Day 7 – Shopping

Today was the planned day to go to Andorra la Vella, everyone (with the exception of Bernie and I) headed off early to catch the bus. Due to my condition I needed to get up with everyone else, so that Brendon could help me dress and put my shoes on, otherwise I would have been […]

Andorra: Day 6 – Andorra la Vella

Bernie and I were a bit more organised this morning and caught the bus on time. We met a few English people on the bus, and decided that we would all met early for the return bus, so that if we missed it we could chip in together for a Taxi. It’s funny how being […]

Andorra: Day 5 – More snowboarding, for some

The boys eagerly went up the slopes, to get more practice, Karyn and Maree just went to watch and take photos. Bernie and I intended on going to Andorra la Vella (the capital of Andorra), but missed the bus. We ended up wandering around Pas de la Casa, and then finding a Pizzeria for some […]

Andorra: Day 4 – Snowboarding

We all got up early to buy lift passes (directly across the road again). Then it was time to get kitted up with our gear, finding out whether you were standard or goofy (stand with feet together and someone pushes you – which ever foot you used to balance is the foot that leads when […]

Andorra: Day 3 – White Christmas

We opened the prezzies in the morning. We then all dressed warmly in our wet weather gear then headed off to play in the snow; several snow angels, snowball fights, 1 or 2 people getting stuck in the snow. Karyn and I made a snowman, while Brian wrote his name in the snow repeatedly (not […]

Andorra: Day 2 – Exploring Pas de la Casa

Our first sight of Pas de la Casa in the light of day the next morning was peaking out the window over an impressive mountain peak caught in the morning light – magnificent. Our mission for today was to book our snowboarding gear and to check out the local shopping. We wandered out our front […]

Andorra: Day 1 – Arriving at Pas de la Casa

We met up with everybody, being Karyn and Brian, Maree and Scot, and Bernie, at Victoria Station in the morning and caught the Gatwick Express to the airport. The Airport was really busy – everyone seemed to be going away for Christmas. While waiting in a queue to start the sorting process we stumbled into […]

Leeds Castle & Guy Fawkes

We’ve been really lucky with the weather for our trips, and today was no exception. We decided on a relaxed start to this trip, by departing mid morning (10am). After getting out of London we made good time driving around the M25, going over the river along the impressive QEII Bridge. For those of you […]

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