
Never fear, we are still alive! We tried to find an internet cafe while in Devon (Exeter to be specific) but failed, hence no update while on holiday. Our trip to Cornwall and Devon was very nice, we saw lots of interesting places and met some really nice people. We’re both members of English Heritage […]

Cornwall & Devon

June 2002…way in the past… A two week trip travelling around the south-east of England. Pity the weather was nasty for most of it, but we still had a nice relaxing time and were out and about every day, in spite of the wind and rain. We’ve just had 20 or so films developed from […]


We ended up going to Cambridge, In Cambridgeshire, on Sunday. I guess it’s fairly obvious but the name Cambridge comes from the fact that the town straddles the river Cam. In fact, a lot of names in this country are obvious if you just think about it. For instance, there is a round church in […]

A movie and unexpected contact

We went and saw Panic Room today, another good movie, but not quite all its cracked up to be. It’s not as suspenceful as it should be – some of the bits that are meant to be tense just come across as very funny. Enjoyable though. Got a call out of the blue today from […]

Thinking of a day trip

It’s a bank holiday weekend coming up, Keryn and I didn’t realise until this week. It’ll be good to have a day off. We’re thinking of taking a day trip to Cambrigeshire, just to go somewhere we haven’t been yet. We went and saw Blade II on the weekend, a far superior movie to the […]

Not much

Things have been quite quiet for the last week or so, we haven’t really done that much. Pauline came around on the weekend and we all went and saw the movie “The Scorpion King”, entertaining in a no-brainer kind of way. That noodle bar we went to the other day is called Wagamama, they have […]

Kiwi Night at LST

It’s kiwi night tomorrow night at LSTrillium. Basically all the kiwi’s in the company (who are based at 140 London Wall) go out together to a pub somewhere. This time we’re going to the Old Bell, more info can be found here. Last friday we went out for dinner with Jim and Gee to a […]

Tube cuteness

Coming home today on the tube I saw the cutest thing. Sitting opposite me was a man with his two young daughters. The younger of the two, maybe three or four years old, was asleep in his lap. The older, maybe seven or eight, was asleep in the next seat to his left, lying against […]

Liverpool lost

So Liverpool lost, at least I got plenty done on the website I suppose. The Queen Mums funeral was yesterday, we got to see some of it on TV’s at work and the ‘Battle of Britain’ flyover (a Lancaster Bomber, Spitfire and Hurricane) flew over our building on its way to the funeral procession. Traffic […]

A busy day at work

Today was a busy day at work. When we’re at our full compliment we have six people on the IS Service Centre. Today we had three. Anyway, it went OK. Keryn has just cooked a nice meal of fresh pasta, chunky vegetable pasta sauce and chicken pieces, all very nice. We’re now watching ‘Dark Angel’ […]

Amberley Castle

Right. Yesterday we started the quest for a wedding venue by visiting Amberley Castle, just outside Amberley, west Sussex. We found out about the venue from a wedding show we went too with Jim and Gee. One stand was advertising wedding photo books and the examples they had contained photos from a fantastic looking castle. […]

Easter in East Anglia

The land of windmills and wetlands. We spent a long weekend with Karyn and Brian travelling around looking at castles, ruins, waterways and windmills. We got to see a real beach (sand and all!) and took many, many photos. We have started the write-up and we’ll have some of our photos and a link to […]

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