South Kensington walking

The following weekend Karyn & Brian’s friends Maree & Scott arrived after a two-month holiday travelling around Italy & Spain. They are crashing here until the find a place to live (they moved the following weekend, so Karyn & Brian only had a house full of Kiwis for a few days). We considered checking out Trooping the Colour but the weather was absolutely horrid, so gave it a miss, it will happen again next year anyway. Sunday we decided to check out South Kensington. Our walk took us past the Victoria and Albert Museum, Natural History Museum (this museum looks like it is worth a look through), up past various other buildings then around Royal Albert Hall (this was is the process of some major renovation, so taking photos and avoiding scaffolding was a little tricky). We moved on to the Kensington Gardens, it amazing how many people come out to go to the gardens when the weather isn’t even that great – I hate to see what it is like on a hot summer’s day. While at the gardens we checked out the various buildings and statues/monuments, Kensington Palace is decidedly boring.

Movie: Pearl Harbour – Enjoyed the movie but it was overly long, part one, cheesy love story; part two, the overly long effects heavy blow up Pearl Harbour part (you got the idea of how horrific the occasion was after about 5 minutes but it went on for probably 30); and part three, the not really needed but prerequisite lets be American and get our retribution bit – not totally terrible but I won’t see it again).

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