Living in London

The weather has really humid the last week, by the weekend it was staring to rain as well. We went for a walk up Charing Cross in the rain (the rain/drizzle wasn’t to bad as it worked to cool down the skin from the really annoying humidity) checking out the large number of bookshops ’till we found Borders. From here we walked to Piccadilly Circus, being amazed at the number of theatres and shows along the way. Here we looked around the huge Trocadero mall, which is set up purely for entertainment (cinema, thrill seeker rides, game machines, bowling ally etc).

Hopefully in the next month or so we might get out of town, we want to go visit the Eden Project out Cornwall way – click on the link for more info. Also Stonehenge is on the cards. I’ve also been checking out concert’s, David Gilmour was a few weeks ago with Sparklehorse (though it’s sold out before I found out – I always find out to late). There’s also Jethro Tull in Hammersmith during November – I won’t be missing that, in fact the tickets are already bought. Other concerts I’m looking at are Suzanne Vega at the end of this month and Heather Nova in August. The opportunities are there, you just need to find out in time to buy tickets.

We’ve also met a few more people – Maree and Scot have been staying for a few days after their 2-month trip to Spain and Italy. Karyn and Brian got back today from a 2 week trip to Crete and Ben will be moving in just around the corner very soon.

Anyway, the next few months will be working and saving money with the odd trip every now and again. We’ll keep the site updated every now and again and the pictures will come, honest. We’re enjoying ourselves and hope you are to. Until next time, goodbye.

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