Borrowing ideas

There is a new link on this page at the top, you probably won’t have noticed it. It takes you to a page that maps the locations of visitors. I saw the map first on Stephen Walsh’s blog (he who looked like a Hillbilly while touring South America… just check out some of the photos on his blog and its been running for a week or so now.

Steve enjoying South America
Steve enjoying South America (he’s the one in red)

It’s not 100% accurate, for instance all NZ views are said to come from Auckland but I think that is more likely to do with the Internet feed for Xtra being based out of Auckland. Anyway, it makes me feel like I’m writing something of limited interest to the world. Guess that means I should get our Africa travels finished and up onto the web.

P.S. Steve isn’t a hillbilly, he’s a talented musician, really friendly guy and partner to the lovely Wendy.

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