The park and dinner with Family

Patricia and Sam came with us from Manchester to Brentwood and we’ve had their company for the last few days. Today Bridget and Dean also turned up so there is a family atmosphere at the Doran stronghold in Brentwood.

Earlier today we, being Keryn and I, went for a walk in the Thorndon Country Park which is a 10 minute drive from our house. Thorndon Country Park is rather large and we proceeded to walk along paths randomly which took us in a large loop taking nearly an hour and a half. It was quite warm for the time of year but there was a stiff breeze keeping us chilly, at least until the exertion warmed us up.

Low sun and long shadows.
Low sun and long shadows

Looking out over Essex.
Looking out over Essex

The sun was also bright and low in the sky, making us wish we’d brought along our sunglasses. It was nice to walk past people who all said “hello” or “good morning” and we were greeted by a few dogs as well, all very friendly and obviously happy to be out for a walk.

The local sheep seemed content.
The local sheep seemed content

Keryn all loaded up.
Keryn all loaded up

Once we returned it was cleaning to prepare for everyone visiting. Keryn prepared vegetables and then put on two roasts, a small lamb roast and a vegetarian roast of some kind for Patricia and Sam. Bridget and Dean arrived on the train around 4pm and Patricia and Sam came in from a trip into London an hour or so later. Dinner wasn’t too long in arriving and was enjoyed by all. The following photo was taken after desert and features Bridget talking to Mum on the phone, a photo spanning the globe!

Family photo after dinner and dessert.
Family photo after dinner and dessert

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