I like The Like, but not their venue

It has been a guest list week so far. A while back I entered a competition for tickets to a performance by the band The Like. I won two tickets and was added to the guestlist for the Monday just gone. Unfortunately the gig was at the Kings College London which as the name suggests is a student venue. We’ve been there once before and were underwhelmed (actually Keryn was nearly overwhelmed by smoke and we had to leave when a fire alarm went off). In the end we decided not to go, we’re getting to old to be out at a student venue on a Monday night (I must be getting older at least to write such a thing).

Which brings us to today. I got an email earlier from the Bush Hall, a venue we’ve been to a couple of times. They had a survey for past visitors and upon completion they were offering a free ticket to a gig. Never one to turn down free music I completed the survey, noticing as I did that the survey was titled with a disclaimer saying that it was completely anonymous. I wondered to myself, how can an anonymous survey result in a free ticket? How will they know I completed the survey? So I emailed the sender of the email and it turns out she thought you had to enter an email address as part of the survey. Anyway, she offered me a free ticket so I choose to go to Sophie Solomon tomorrow night…and now I’m on another guest list. Keryn’s coming along as well as I bought an extra ticket; less than £12 for us both to go to a concert is pretty good I think.

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