One calendar month

It’s a month until our last day of work…there is so much to do! At least most of it is just packing, the holiday/sabbatical/trip is mostly taken care of now. In the meantime we get up to other things as well as preparation for the future. We’ve seen movies, attended farewells at work, worked, and also taken a four day trip to the Lake District for a holiday and also to see an exhibition by Geoff Taylor (you can see photos from the exhibition by clicking here).

Alison Goldfrapp posing mid song.
Alison Goldfrapp posing mid song

This current evening found us at the Oxford Street Virgin Megastore (again) to see Goldfrapp play a few tunes. I don’t think Alison really wanted to be there, looked like a record label enforced event. Didn’t matter, I enjoyed it and if that’s what she’s like playing with no enthusiasm then I think a proper live show would be fantastic. Maybe next year.

Alison Goldfrapp in a quieter moment.
Alison Goldfrapp in a quieter moment

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