And on the weekend

As part of the ongoing preparation for our trip starting in late September we have purchased new tramping boots. On Sunday we went for a walk to help break them in. The walk took us from Brentwood, up to South Weald, through the Weald Country park and then back down Ongar Road into Brentwood. It took about 3 hours in the end and was a very nice walk, especially through Weald Country Park.

Close up of a flower.
Close up of a flower

I took a number of photos, which is not uncommon for me I guess. the above flower was in the garden of what looked like an old Abbey, or perhaps the outbuildings for a Church further up the road. The next photo is from a wooded area in the Country park, with the fern it reminded me a little of home and pine forests around Rotorua.

Woodland in Weald Country Park.
Woodland in Weald Country Park

In other news we’ve now started packing, Keryn has starting packing books and we’ve packed all of our LOTR helms. On Monday I had a call from the estate agency that manages our house for the landlady and I was told that our house is going on the market. The house is on the market for £225,000 and if we had enough for a deposit we’d probably consider an offer ourselves. We don’t, however, and have our trip to save for so we just have to put up with people viewing the house over the coming weeks (it shouldn’t really effect us, they can’t kick us out and most house sales take weeks over here anyway).

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