Day 100 : Puno to La Paz

Driving from Puno early we headed straight for the border with Bolivia. The border town was busy but thankfully not as much of a market as the previous border. There was a bit of queuing but things went well and we were soon all stamped up and in Bolivia.

A view over La Paz
A view over La Paz

We drove on and arrived at the city of La Paz mid afternoon. The hotel was in the old quarter of what looked to be a busy city, the streets nearby packed with people shopping at markets which radiated out along the footpaths. The afternoon was spent wandering around and figuring out where we were and looking into options for the next few days.

This was the last day of this section of the journey so we had a farewell meal at the Oliver’s Travels pub, a place modelled on an English pub. One different thing available at Oliver’s was the option to dress up, a number of costumes available to wear. We arrived to find only two types of costume available, French maid outfits and Spiderman suits. It didn’t take much convincing to get most of the guys into the French maid outfits, the looks we got were very interesting. One of the bar staff also put on the same outfit and she looked much better than we guys did.

The French Maid-Men
The French Maid-Men

Dressed up together
Dressed up together

It wasn’t a very late night as we had a long day of cycling coming up and we took a taxi back to the hotel looking forward to the coming adventure.

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