Day 97 : Cusco to Puno

We left Cusco today heading for the city Puno on the shore of Lake Titicaca. We stopped at the monument overlooking Cuzco near Sacsayhuaman and took some group photos as a diversion so Danny wouldn’t realise that a cake was being taken out for him back at the truck. Once the tables were out and the cake ready everyone came back to the truck and we sang Happy Birthday and then shared the cake.

The group photo diversion
The group photo diversion

Lake Titicaca is at almost 4000m above sea level and the drive took us gradually up over a high plateau. We arrived in the late afternoon and settled into our hotel. In the evening we all went out for dinner at a nice restaurant in the center of the city. We had two days, one night on the lake coming up so packing was done for the overnight visit and then sleep was called for, driving days being tiring.

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