Back from Bruges

Hello! We’re back, safe and sound, after four days in the lovely Bruges (or Brugge, or however you spell it, no-one seems to know how to spell it properly in English – which is probably right, seeing as its a Flemish name). Thanks to one and all for the presents, cards and emails we’ve received over the last month, all are appreciated. We sort of bought ourselves presents this year, I got a digital camera (which I got before our holiday, see some of the pictures below) and Keryn got a Sony Clie (personal organiser/computer thingee). Keryn worked today and I picked her present up from my place of work, though I definitely did no work myself.

I’ll try to get a website up for our Bruges trip this weekend, in between seeing ‘The Two Towers’ again and watching Liverpool vs Arsenal. Anyway, here are five images from our trip, if you get the chance spend a few days in this ancient city as it is truly a wonderful place.

Waiting at Brussels for the train to Bruges
Waiting at Brussels for the train to Bruges

On the next day we went for a walk, here walking along one of the many canals
On the next day we went for a walk, here walking along one of the many canals

Upstairs in the Town Hall - Het Stadhuis
Upstairs in the Town Hall – Het Stadhuis

The smallest bridge in Bruges
The smallest bridge in Bruges

In Brussels on the last day, this is The Grand Place
In Brussels on the last day, this is The Grand Place

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